These are the main characters for the Ironblood Project, that I have spent some months concepting.
Ásfríður Fjölvarsbur
Champion of the Ironblood Tournament for five years running, hails from an isolated, icy planet, Charybdis, which had only one large settlement left before it was destroyed, killing many of their community members.
A war criminal and mercenary who was experimented on by the Syndicate. Crashed a research station into the last settlement on Charybdis, but has faced no consequence for it as of yet.
One of the most powerful people in the whole of the Amari Cluster, has most of the colonies on the most populated planet completely under the thumb of his extensive crime syndicate.
A saint of a man, and fiance to Ásfríður, along with being a fellow Ironblood Champion, he is one of the most decent people in the Cluster, and someone that many look up to. Does charity work for the people of Zamarta City and peacefully protests against the publicized tyranny of the Syndicate Council.